Integrated Reflexology is a unique synthesis of ancient and modern knowledge from around the world. Integrated Reflexology works fast and its therapeutic power is extensive.
1-Integrated Reflexology and the holographic principle
Integrated Reflexology is based on a ancient Indian principle that the body is contained within each of its part. It is also a modern scientific model called the holographic principle. Have you ever seen a hologram? It is a three dimensional photo. You can actually walk around it. In an accident a technician broke a hologram negative, to his surprise he discovered that each broken piece contained the whole three dimensional picture. Looking closer he also discovered that each contained different minute details of the hologram. Example: Imagine a three dimensional picture of a face. A fragment of the broken negative would contain more details of the wrinkle around the eyes, while another fragment would contain more details of hair and so on.
We humans are a good example of this. Consider that all human beings come from the same creative source, or if you prefer, are a reflection of the Super Consciousness. We are a part of that whole and contain it within, and yet we are all different. Our unique consciousness as individuals are at different levels of the whole and we all contribute to the collective consciousness of human kind.
Integrated Reflexology consists of working on parts of the body that contain the information of the human being just like a hologram. The parts of the body that we massage are those accessible with the fingers, i.e. feet, legs, hands, arms, front of the body, back of the body, collarbones, face, ears and skull. In Integrated Reflexology we call those part of the body, maps. Each of these maps is a holographic representation of the physical, emotional, mental, energetic and spiritual aspects. Each of these holograms (maps) is a portal by which your entire being can be accessed. The other aspect of the holographic principle is that each map (hologram) that we work on contains different details of the human being.
Example-1: Working on the feet stimulates the physical body, the emotion and the mind. But works more on the physical body.
Example-2: Working on the collarbone stimulates the physical body, the emotion and the mind. But works more on the emotions.
Example-3: Working on the ears stimulates the physical body, the emotions and the mind. But works far more for the mind.
2-Integrated Reflexology and the Yin and Yang principle
The Yin and Yang principle is an ancient one, which explains the polar nature of things, events and forces that have complementary and opposite relationships and are inseparable extremities of a single whole. The Yin and Yang principle exists within the holographic principle and bridges and harmonises the elements of the holographic universe that have direct relationship.
The 24 hr cycle can be used here to explain this concept. Day and night are complementary to one another. During the day there is more light, more heat, more energy, and more action. During the night it is darker, cooler, and more passive and there is less energy. Day and night, brightness and darkness, heat and cold, active and passive are all different complementary aspects of the 24 hr cycle. Light cannot exist without energy- where there is energy there is heat- where there is heat there is more chemical activity- more action. In opposition, when there is less energy there is less light (darkness), less heat (cold), less activity (passive). All the elements, all the different aspects of the 24 hr cycle, blend and combine together through opposite and complementary forces to create the perfect conditions for life to exist on earth (the Yin and Yang principle).
In Integrated Reflexology, we incorporate the Yin and Yang principle in our work and we call the elements that are complementary to one another ‘harmonics’. There are several types of harmonics utilised in Integrated Reflexology.
Harmonics of the three spatial dimensions
Harmonics of the vertical plane – The upper parts of the body resonate on the lower parts of the body and the lower parts of the body resonate on the upper parts of the body. For example working on the thumb has a therapeutic effect on the big toe of the same side. The opposite would be also true; meaning that working on the toe has a therapeutic effect on the finger of the same side.
Harmonics of the horizontal plane – The left side of the body resonates on the right side of the body and the right side of the body resonates on the left side of the body. For example working on the big toe has a therapeutic effect on the opposite big toe.
Harmonics of the transverse plane – The back of the body resonates towards the front of the body and the front of the body resonates towards the back of the body. Parts of the front of the body are therapeutically energised by working on the back directly behind. Working directly in front of the body therapeutically energised parts of the back of the body.
Harmonics between the bones, muscles and organs of the body
In Integrated Reflexology we always considers the energetic and physical relationship between the different parts of the body.
Examples of the physical relationship (harmonics) between body parts are:
Harmonics of the vertical plane – When somebody has neck pain, it will be considered that the condition may originate from imbalance of the sacroiliac articulation. The opposite is also true; pain in the sacroiliac articulation may originate from an imbalance of the atlas (first cervical vertebra).
Harmonics of the horizontal – When a person has left shoulder pain, it will be considered that the problem may be influenced by an imbalance in the right shoulder.
Examples of the energetic relationship (harmonics) between body parts are:
Harmonics of the vertical plane – When a person as a condition of the small intestine, it will be considered that it may be influenced by an energetic imbalance of the heart. The opposite is also true; a condition of the heart may be influenced by an energetic imbalance of the small intestine.
Harmonics of the horizontal – When a person has a condition of the liver, it will be considered that it may be influenced by an energetic imbalance of the spleen. The opposite is also true; a condition of the spleen may be influenced by an energetic imbalance of the liver.
3-Integrated Reflexology is similar and different to Reflexology
During Integrated Reflexology your feet and hands are massaged as is done in Reflexology, however, there are many differences.
- a) Integrated Reflexology originates from Stanley Burroughs Vita Flex technique rather than Reflexology .
Reflexology was developed in America (1920) based on the work of Dr Fitzgerald. It was originally known as Zone therapy and consisted of stimulating the toes and fingers to activate energy into what is known today as the ten zones system. Eunice Ingham is the mother of current Reflexology and she added the reflex points of the organs to the feet and hands.
In Europe in the 1930’s Auriculotherapy, working with the ears, was developed by Dr Paul Nogier. Today in Australia and Canada, reflexologists call Auriculotherapy ‘reflexology of the ears’.
Stanley Burroughs developed Vita Flex technique in America in the 1950’s. His method was far more advanced and comprehensive by using reflex points on the feet, tibia, hands, upper arms, collarbone, each side of the spine and face.
There are many differences between Reflexology and Integrated Reflexology:
- b) Integrated Reflexology therapists work on all parts of the Body; feet, legs, hands, arms, front of the body, back of the body, collarbone, face, ears, skull and more.
- c) Reflex points are situated differently to Reflexology.
- d) The technique of touch is different to Reflexology.
- e) Integrated Reflexology therapists have a multitude of strategies to target the different ailments of the body and mind.
- f) Integrated Reflexology therapists are conscious that the feet, legs, hands, arms, front of the body, back of the body, collarbone, face, ears and skull have very different physical, emotional, mental and energetic properties.
3- Integrated Reflexology and the Mind-Body connection
Historically, the Mind-Body connection is a very ancient concept and is still applied in today’s eastern medicine. In Europe 300 hundred years ago, the Mind-Body connection was part of western medicine until Rene Descartes ‘father of modern medicine’ made a pact with the Pope of that time dividing the jurisdiction of the Body and the Mind. The soul, the mind and the emotions would become the jurisdiction of the church, and the physical body would become the jurisdiction of medicine. This bargain has set the tone and direction of modern medicine. Today, there is a section of medicine called Psychoneuroimmunology, which claims that there is scientific proof that the Mind and Body are connected at the chemical level. In other words, emotions do affect the chemistry of your body. And the chemistry of your body also affects the way you fell things.
The concept of Mind-Body is based on the understanding that the mind and body are not two separate and independent entities. Rather, they are two closely related and interdependent aspects of one reality. Essentially the body, mind and ‘spirit’ are one. Our physical bodies, together with our thoughts, feelings, emotions, perceptions, attitudes, insights, consciousness and the subconscious are all inseparable, intertwined and united. In a sense we can say that the body contains the mind and also that the mind contains the body. Another way to express this is to say that your body, which constitutes your physical structure and functions, also feels and possesses emotions and intelligence. We are all embodied spirits with a spiritual body.